Our Mission
Keep pets out of shelters.
Together we can prevent pets
being surrendered to shelters.
We would like to introduce you to Furry Friends Foodbank- a new, 501c3 charitable organization formed to help keep companion animals in their loving homes. Our organization’s goal is to prevent these animals from being surrendered into the shelter system in these times of economic distress by distributing free pet food and pet supplies to Monroe County families in need of our help.
COVID 19 has touched all of us, the economic shutdown has impacted all of us. There are many senior citizens, families, veterans, homeless in our county that have no way to provide food for their pets, and Furry Friends Foodbank wants to step in and help. Our goal is to provide pet food, pet supplies, and eventually low-cost medical and veterinarian care for companion pets in Monroe and surrounding counties so that families stay together with their furry, feathered, fanged, and finned friends.
Furry Friends Foodbank is reaching out to see if you are willing to help us help our community. Any donations (pet food, pet supplies, monetary donations for vet care) would be greatly appreciated and tax-deductible, please find our address for drop-off below. Furry Friends Foodbank is also looking for private and business sponsors. If you are willing to be a one-time donator, a monthly or yearly sponsor, you and/or your company will be featured on our website (FurryFriendsFoodbank.net), Facebook page (Furry Friends Foodbank), in our brochures, and in any promotional materials as a donor/sponsor.
Our Organization is located at 6605 Route 209, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 in the Shirley Katz building on Business Rt. 209. Our Phone number is: 570-688-6737, please feel free to reach out to us.
Thank you for your time and consideration.